GF-RAI3E grant

Project Title: GF-RAI3E grant
GF-RAI3E grant
Principal Recipient:
Implementing Sub-Recipient:
Malteser International (MI)
01 January 2021 to 31 December 2023

Key Activities

1. Malaria Community Case Management through Integrated Community Malaria Volunteer (ICMV)
2. Malaria Real time Case Based Reporting
3. Supportive Supervision
4. Intensify case detection in high burden villages without ICMVs, and in new settlements and in migrants work sites in endemic areas
5. Mapping of Migrant Mobile Ethnic and Vulnerable (MMEV) population and new settlement
6. ICMV referral and DOTs (Directly Observed Treatment) Providers
7. Private sector case management; Fixed clinic
8. Mass LLIN distribution to static populations from hard to reach and unmet area and Continuous distribution to MMEV population

Results from Jan-Dec 2023
Location Total Population Target Population Tested Number of suspected malaria cases received parasitological test Positive Case Number of malaria cases received antimalarial treatment
Buthidaung N/A 32,195 4392 200
Maungdaw N/A 10,166 3401 546