
On this World Malaria Day 2020, we would like to showcase the dedicated service of volunteers in the fight against malaria in the Greater Mekong...
Integrated community malaria volunteer U Chit Shwe at Taikkyi Hospital. Photo: UNOPS
What motivates malaria volunteer U Chit Shwe to follow woodcutters to the forests and to provide malaria services for his community in Gyo Chaung...
Madauk village integrated community malaria volunteer U Nyi Nyi Aung is ready to distribute LLINs free of charge to villagers. Photo: UNOPS
Malaria prevention starts with the proper and persistent use of long-lasting insecticidal bed nets (LLINs). Following the timely delivery of LLINs by...
UNOPS-PR Capacity Building Officer Khin Nyein Thit together with the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) field staff during a capacity building training in Kalay Township, Chin State. Photo: UNOPS
More than 60 staff from partners implementing the Global Fund grants in Myanmar have been trained in areas related to financial sustainability and...
RAI2E partners participating in the training on ‘Fundamental data management, analysis and data visualization’ at Lao Positive Health Association (Lao PHA) office in Vientiane, Lao PDR. Photo: Thipphaphorn Douangchak/UNOPS
RAI2E partners in Lao PDR attended training on topics related to data management, analysis and visualization. The training was organized by UNOPS-PR...
RAI2E is working with health workers and scientists to put an end to malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Check out UNOPS photo essays from...
To ensure the provision of LLINs with Global Fund support, UNOPS-PR logistics team monitors every step of the supply chain. In the photo, UNOPS-PR logistics team monitors LLINs procured with Global Fund support being loaded onto a truck from a container, to be delivered to hard-to-reach and remote townships across Myanmar. Photo: UNOPS
On World Malaria Day, marked every year on 25 April, we put the spotlight on long lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in the fight against malaria for...
Head of Nanoy Heath Center, Ms Soukhanthong Phavong, together with Ms Kongmany Phongsavanh, Ms Khamphong Manipakone and Ms Lamkeo Norkhampao, at the Nanoy Health Center, Xaybouathong District, Khammouane Province, Lao PDR. Photo: Thipphaphorn Douangchak/UNOPS
Ms Soukhanthong Phavong values every single day she works at the Nanoy Health Center in a hard-to-reach area of central Lao PDR. When she started...
U Myo San, MHAA-trained integrated community malaria volunteer, performs a malaria rapid diagnostic test for Thidar Aung, Malaria Programme Associate, UNOPS-PR, during a field monitoring visit to, Samee 2-Quarter village, Paletwa, Chin State. RDT allows the diagnosis of malaria in 15 minutes, significantly cutting the time between blood sample and diagnosis. Photo: UNOPS
By mobilizing and empowering malaria-affected communities with skills, knowledge and equipment to fight malaria, RAI2E is bringing quality malaria...
UNOPS-PR malaria team and MHAA field staff on a field monitoring visit to Paletwa Township in western Chin State. This is one of the least developed areas of the country and its difficult terrain and transportation challenges pose barriers for malaria-affected communities there to access quality healthcare services.
The RAI2E programme is working with partners on the frontline to accelerate elimination of malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion. UNOPS-PR team in...
Female Anopheles mosquito, which can transmit malaria through its bite.  Photo: UNOPS
The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) has long been the epicentre of antimalarial drug resistance. In five countries of the GMS: Cambodia, Lao People’s...
RAI2E partner the Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC) participates in the training. Photo: UNOPS
Ensuring all people have access to the quality healthcare services they are entitled to requires efficient implementation of healthcare programmes,...
